Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A gift that gives....

The holidays stroll around and I always feel myself wanting to give back in some way. (As I'm sure we all do!) I know we are supposed to feel like this ALL the time, but the reality is that our worlds are just so bogged down with our own personal needs all year that thinking of others seems to come secondary. I find myself being so aware of this quality right around this time, and I get this huge urge to fix my selfishness from the rest of the year. This year has been extremely good to me, in more ways than I know how to be thankful for, but I realized I should pay my thanks in anyway I can. And I found a way for you to help too, and even get some holiday treats while your at it!

So last weekend I started playing around with different colored threads, and Swarovski crystal chains for some holiday presents. What I came up with, I thought was good enough to put on my etsy site. But when I stumbled upon Altruista that I blogged about HERE, I thought "I can do that too!" And these new bracelets are perfect for it! So I've designed them to come in a series of 4 different colors, each one will donate to a different charity. With every purchase I will donate 50% of proceeds to the charity corresponding to your order, in your name. You will receive an e-mail confirmation or message in the mail from the charity itself and a special note from me in each box. I think this is a perfect way to kick off the holiday season!

Each bracelet is $40.00 (SEE THE LISTING HERE)

For a 4 pack (one of each color) You will get 10% off but I will still donate half of the original $160.00 to the specified charities.

Pink - Breast Cancer

Olive - American Lung Association

Purple - The Humane Society

Yellow - International Rescue Committee

If any of you lovely readers have a specific charity you would like to benefit please let me know, I'm thinking of continuing this for spring in new color assortments!

P.S. They look fabulous layered together!!!



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