Thursday, July 29, 2010

Lomography obsession!

Photo Credit:

I've been obsessing over Lomography for sometime now (I guess this will be my next hobby- cupcakes, jewelry, and now photography?). I have been fussing with my digitals on photoshop to create an imitated look of the a Lomo shot (I'm sure you all noticed). But enough with the imitations!! I want real authentic shots!!! Ones I can develop and put up on the walls, or place in pretty little photo albums! Ones that make me feel nostalgic!!! I LOVE the energy you can feel through them and I think some art around my apartment would be a good thing!  (There's no way I can hang up any of my own art because I'll pick it apart till the day I tear it down!)  So I was  on the search for a really great lomo camera, they are all over eBay. Originally I wanted an old vintage one. The real deal, from Russia or Korea! But I've read that the originals can be fussy and parts are most certainly not easy to come by, so instead I perused Urban Outfitters and so see which one would best suit me. THERE SO MUCH TO CHOSE FROM! In the end I did not want a crazy colored one (so not like me because almost everything I get is pink!). I just wanted the feel of the authentic vintage ones so I decided on the Holga 120N in black/silver from urban outfitters (I scored it on eBay for much less than the $48.00 listed on their site!) I also felt like I would need the flash and the 35mm film converter because 120 film can be hard to come by. I got the whole kit and caboodle on eBay for $40.00!! I cant wait till it arrives! The "Boy" and I will promptly be venturing over to Coney Island for a fun filled day of photography!

The black and silver Holga 120N I purchased on eBay.

I'm also obsessing after this Diana Dreamer which is an Urban Outfitters exclusive (could NOT find it on eBay at all!) ! I think ill need to get this one too..... eventually. I'm thinking about starting a little collection! There are just so many! And they do all sorts of different things!

Anyway I hope to be posting some interesting lomo shots as soon as it arrives!

xoxo M

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