My instagram buddie Katie posted her recipe for peppermint bark and it instantly inspired me to create a version using three of my favorite things; chocolate, almonds, and coconut. I will warn you, this little treat is pretty sweet, but absolutely indulgent.
Recipe adapted from Katie's instagram pic
12oz semi sweet chocolate chips (I used Ghirardelli)
1lb white chocolate chips
2 tsp coconut extract (I used pure extract but it's tough to find so imitation will work too)
1 cup chopped almonds
1/2 cup coconut chips (I purchased these at Trader Joes, but regular plain old toasted coconut will work too)
Line a 9x13 pan with foil.
In a double boiler melt all semi sweet chocolate but leave 3/4cup on the side. When it's smooth remove from heat add the 3/4cup of chips and sir till melted. Add chopped almonds mix well, then add 1 tsp coconut extract.
Spread into the pan nice and evenly. Let the chocolate sit out at room temperature until it's almost hardened. (I waited about 15 min) Repeat with white chocolate, adding 1 tsp extract. Keep mixing then spread on top of semi-sweet chocolate with a spatula. The white chocolate wont spread over too nicely but that's ok, that will create the marble effect. Keep spreading/mixing till it's smooth enough on top. Sprinkle coconut chips on top, and lightly press into the chocolate mixture. Let it sit till it's fully hardened. (I let mine sit over night). Enjoy!
Yay! Cant wait...i will have to post the other i was telling you about. This looks yummy. And loving your new layout and La Bella Via...tricky. ;)