Thursday, January 26, 2012

Nutella Oatmeal

Anyone who knows me knows I love sweets. Chocolate being the be all and end all of treats for me. So Saturday and Sunday breakfast when we aren't out for brunch, usually is a staple of Chocolate Chip Pancakes. I've also made Nutella Pancakes (recipe to come next week!) I've mastered the home made pancake. They are way better then the boxed kind. But this Sunday I wanted something that could offer me more nutrients if possible. I've been obsessed with this blog and usually I'm left so unbelievably stumped at what recipe to try BC they all just sound so incredible (I also made these this weekend which were insanely good even John scarfed em down!) When I came across her recipe for this I was set on trying it but then decided pumpkin just wasn't going to do it. I thought Peanut butter! But alas I had just finished off my last bit of Better N' Peanut Butter from Trader Joe's so I settled on the next best (actually BETTER) thing. Nutella!
 (this is the peanut butter I ran out of. It's the BEST)

My Version went something like this:
• 1/2 Cup Oats
• 3/4 Cup Vanilla Soy Milk (I've also used Rice Dream Horchata which is out of this world!)
• 1 tbsp Nutella
• 1 tbsp Flax Meal
• 2 tsp Brown Sugar

Bring milk to a boil then add the oats. Allow it to soak up all the milk then transfer to a food processor and add the rest of the ingredients. Blend just a bit, transfer to your favorite bowl sprinkle with a few chocolate chips, a drizzle of more milk and enjoy!

I also made a mocha version to bring to work with me the next morning. It went something like this:
• 1/2 cup strong brewed coffee
• 1/2 cup Vanilla soy milk
• 2 tsp cocoa powder
• 2 tsp brown sugar
1 tbsp flax meal

Boil coffee and milk, add the oats. Let it soak everything up. Transfer to a food processor add the rest of the ingredients and blend. Delic!!!
 I have a feeling I'll be blending up different variations of oatmeal for many weekends to come. (I see a fruit version in the very near future) I think the key to the flavor is in the blend!

1 comment:

  1. Both versions sound AMAZING!!!!!! Healthy dessert breakfasts :)
