I sauteed my shrimp in soy sauce and ginger with bean sprouts. But they could just be plain, cold, whatever you choose. When working with the rice paper when you pull the sheet out of the water lay it down as flat as can be on a sheet of paper towel. Pat it dry. Then soak another sheet and lay it right on top ( don't worry about water dripping all over the first sheet) and then pat it dry. Then your ready to put your filling in. Whats great about the rice paper is that once you start rolling it, it will stick together holding all your filling in nice and tightly. Two sheets are key because they tear easily so if your top sheet tears in any spot you still have your second sheet in tact!
We ate ours with the filing warm and I wrapped one up for lunch the next day. I don't know what happened but it was incredible! Something about eating it cold with the avocado was just perfect! I've been thinking that these rice paper sheets are a better alternative to regular bread wraps. At only 20 calories each I'm willing to try them filled with anything!
Nice work Moe Moe!! You are soo freaking crafty when it comes to so many things (food, fashion, jewelry, etc) - I just love it! Love you! xo