Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Versatile Blogger award, Paying it Forward...

I just want to thank A Brit Greek for giving me among 5 "The versatile Blogger" award! I'm SO grateful and couldn't be happier to know that my blog tickles her fancy!!! It's really a HUGE compliment especially coming from such a talented blogger! If it were ok for me to send this award right back I would most certainly do so! So thank you again you are absolutely fabulous!!!! xoxox

So now I'll divulge 7 things about me as  this is what is required when one gets the award, so here goes...

1. I used to have a small baking company and I'd create all sorts of unique cupcakes like Pina Colada, Mudslides, Samoa (like the girl scout cookie) and even Lavender Honey which I actually made for one of my very good friends weddings!

2. I'm a shoe junkie....this is probably no secret, but really I own more than 200 pairs of shoes. So much that I can't fit them all in my apartment and I have to store at least half at my parents house and switch off every season...its a sickness....

3. I met my amazing Boyfriend on Match.com...that's a HUGE one for me to reveal!!! The whole Match thing started out as a little fun side thing that me and a couple other girlfriends were doing together (lead to some seriously funny date stories!!)  But we are very much in love, so in love that I'm not quite sure that anything I ever thought was love before, really was, and this was totally unexpected for both him and I. I highly recommend other single lovely ladies who are looking for Mr Right to give it a shot...if not match than any other unique means of dating, because you just never know! I just couldn't be happier! (PS if you see me around Match.com ads its because I did a photo shoot for them when a friend of mine worked for the company that owned them and I just found out they are using the pics!!! Kinda exciting that I can be a match.com mini celebrity! haha)

4. My favorite flavor ice cream is Ben and Jerry's Coffee Heath-bar Crunch, but I scoop out all the chunks of heath bar first and then just leave the remains of coffee ice cream. (my boyfriend is so kind to actually scoop out chunks for me!)

5. This is the first time in 10 years that I've had long hair!!! Seriously, my closest friends and family STILL think it's weird and constantly ask if its extensions because I did have a those for a bit! But its all 100% mine and I have no intentions of cutting it!

6.  I LOOOOVVVE to dance!!

7. I usually have bruises on my hip bones bc I misjudge the amount of space I have to turn corners...on every corner!!! I'm one of the clumsiest people you'll ever meet!

And now to my 5 favorite versatile Bloggers...From food to fashion and makeup to Manolos you bloggers have it all and make my daily reads over morning coffee worth getting up an extra 30 min early for! xoxo

Grit and Glamour --- I especially love Friend Fridays and your fantastic Vlogs!

Style and Charm --- I always look forward to your daily wish lists!

All Natural Annie --- Thanks for all the helpful beauty and healthy tips!!!

NYC Island Gal --- Your stories are wonderful!!

Sketchbook Six --- Your Photos are inspiring!!!



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